Here are links resources that you may find useful. Many have proved useful to me at different times. Some links will find their way into other sections of this course. If you find a resource that you find useful, suggest it to me. Better yet, edit this document and request a pull.
Tidyverse home pages for many of the R packages we will be using.
Style Guide for naming files and variables and formatting your code for maximum legibility by humans. I expect that your code will closely follow this guide.
R for Data Science by Wickham and Grolemund. Our textbook, in bookdown format.
Advanced R, by Hadley Wickham. If you want to learn more about R as a programming language, this is a very readable and concise way of doing so.
ggplot2 book
by Hadley Wickham. This is the first edition and is somewhat out of date
with newer versions of ggplot2.
It is still a good reference. Ignore
the chapter on qplot()
, which has been deprecated.
R Studio Cheat Sheets are recommended.
Tufte style in R Markdown. Edward Tufte has strong and usually very good opinions on graph design to convey maximum information with minimal ink.
Happy Git with R. Good text for integrating Git with R Studio.
Pro Git Free, open-source in-depth text on using Git. Available online as HTML and downloadable PDF, ePub, and mobi formats.
Stack Exchange is a collection of communities with expertise in a wide range of topics. Each community is specialized for one particular topic. The topic most relevant to this course is:
Stack Overflow is the community most relevant to this course. It is an excellent source of help but you must provide a minimum working example. Comments are direct. Respond accordingly. The reprex package an help you make a good MWE. If you search, you can find questions asked by your instructor.
I encourage you to take advantage of this resource when you run into difficulties with this course. Search carefully, though. There is a good chance that your question may already be answered. You will be required to register but it is worthwhile.